Our class read is Who Let The Gods Out

Year 5 & 6 Enquiry is – How do we all live together?

Year 4 Enquiry is – Where does water come from?

Swimming is on Monday and Wednesday.  PE is on Thursday

Homework issued on Monday and due the following Monday.

Mrs Brown is our lovely teacher.


Year 6 – A Big Year for our Oldest Pupils

Year 6 is a special year in every child’s life, it may well end up being the one you remember most when looking back at your time in Primary school.

You are 10 going on 11, you are the class that shines for everyone else to look up to. You model the school’s values and ethos for the rest to follow, sounds daunting doesn’t it!  It really isn’t because…

It is a magical time to share with your friends all that you have become and all that you dream to achieve as you prepare to move on to the next step in your life. You have travelled far and have become an independent, resilient and courageous learner.

Life in Year 6 is a busy one, perhaps you are Chair, Vice-Chair or Scribe of the School Council; a Young Worship Ambassador or perhaps a House Captain. The most important  thing is that you’ll have your friends that you’ve had all the way along the journey with you to enjoy it.   

Year 6 – a BIG year with BIG memories!

Weekly Timetable

Curious as to what an average Foxes week looks like?

This timetable will alter from term to term but in essence this is how we spend our week in Foxes class

Medium Term Planner

For a closer look at what is taught during a term see below.  We cover a range of subjects with resources gained from the cornerstones curriculum.

Martha’s Monthly Message

Martha writes for the Marnhull Messenger to lift the lid on life inside of Foxes class.

We are extremely proud of Martha and her writing, on this page you can find her latest message and also find some archive editions.

Pound The Drums

Foxes have been improving fitness with some pound sessions in the school hall.  Based across music, drumming, Yoga and Pilates it is super active and loads of fun.

Maths is everyone’s favourite lesson, right?

We’ve been using tangrams to explore equivalent fractions and fraction calculations in a hands-on, fun way.

There was some wonderful reasoning and problem solving going on with some brilliant mathematical language used.

All children were involved in line with a mastery approach to teaching Maths. The children showed great resilience with the challenge and were even disappointed when we had to move on.

See, everyone does love Maths!


Continuing our Mexican theme we have been creating some fruit drinks as part of our DT (Design Technology).

We made watermelon Agua Frescas which were super yummy, we then experimented with our own fruit combinations, some more appetising than others.  Perhaps some of them can be recreated and enjoyed next summer!

Our Creative Sides have been Shining

We have been creating our very own Maya stelae clay artwork.

These columns of stone would be carved with pictures using Maya glyphs and would often tell a story.

Stelae were often carved to honour Mayan Kings and could sometimes be found near to the sites of alters.

All of the designs seen here were uniquely designed and crafted by the children.

Fun and Fitness in the Sun

Foxes have been continuing our varied range of sports, this time a beautifully sunny day gave the perfect back drop for some tag rugby.

Can you spot who is who from these wonderful self portraits?

Class have ben inspired by Frida Kahlo who was a Mexican painter best known for her uncompromising and brilliantly coloured self-portraits that deal with such themes as identity, the human body, and death.

Howz That!

Foxes have been brushing up on their Cricket skills recently.  Practising our hand to eye coordination helps us across multiple sports.

Hockey Sticks!

Once again Foxes have been learning new sporting skills.  As well as being extremely physical Hockey demands hand eye coordination, builds strength and helps promote balance.  It’s also rather fun!

Meet our Pupil Parliament

Left to right: 

Katy – Scribe

Martha – Vice Chair

Laura – Chair

Meet our Young Governors

Left to Right:





 Welcome to Our Celebration Wall – A Place to Show Our Achievements.  

Martha’s Message Archive Editions