School uniform is worn throughout the school and encourages a sense of belonging and identity.

Our children are proud to wear their school uniform and represent St Gregory’s.

Our school colour is green.

Uniform is worn from Reception to Year 6.

In addition to the main uniform, your child will need a rain coat and a pair of wellingtons for throughout the year.  Plus a sun hat during the warmer months.

Long hair should be tied up with plain bands or clips.

In the interest of safety, no jewellery should be worn.  If your child has pierced ears please ensure they only wear, smooth, plain, round studs to school.  These must be taped or preferably removed for PE sessions

Watches may be worn by children but the school cannot be responsible for the safeguarding of such items.

School shoes must be plain black standard shoes, no boots or trainers.

Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school unless for an out of school hours function, for example a school disco.

Our Requirements Are as Follows:


  • White collared polo top
  • Green Jumper with optional St Gregory’s logo
  • Grey trousers
  • Plain grey or black socks
  • Black shoes (not trainers)
  • Grey shorts for the warmer months.



  • White collared polo top
  • Green cardigan
  • Grey skirt, dress or trousers
  • Plain grey or white tights or socks
  • Black shoes (no heels)
  • Green gingham school style dresses for the warmer months

Boys P.E:

  • Green or White T Shirt
  • Dark coloured shorts
  • Plain grey or black socks
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Tracksuit bottoms in winter


Girls P.E:

  • Green or White T Shirt
  • Dark coloured shorts
  • Plain grey or black socks
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Tracksuit bottoms in winter


We also use our swimming pool during the summer term, our requirements are as follows:


  • Swimming trunks
  • Swimming Cap
  • Swimming Goggles
  • Towel


  • Single piece swimming costume (2 Piece is not acceptable)
  • Swimming Cap
  • Swimming Goggles
  • Towel

Please mark all items of clothing with your child’s name.

Uniform can be ordered from  Most supermarkets will also stock many items.

We have a small amount of stock you can purchase from the school office, second hand uniform is also available from the PTFA.

We thank all our parents and carers who actively support our school uniform code, it shows St Gregory’s in the best possible light.