Badgers Latest News!

Year 3 & 4 Enquiry is – Where does water come from?

Year 2 Enquiry is – What is home?

Homework set each Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

Please ensure children bring in their individual ready books daily

All children have TT Rockstar logins and are encouraged to practise at home.

Children should read aloud at home 10-15mins every day.

PE is on Thursday morning and swimming will be on Monday and Thursday.

Miss Edwards is our happy smiling teacher.

Mrs Heasman and Mrs Irvine are also happy but have so far avoided the camera, but we shall catch them!

Welcome to Badgers Class!

We are a combined group containing both Yr 4 & 5 children, this allows us to all help and encourage each other.

We hope you enjoy our class page, we will try and keep it updated with our latest work so do please check in once in a while to see what we’ve been up to.

Medium Term Planning

This planner highlights what we ae covering in each subject this term in Badgers class

Weekly Timetable

Curious as to what an average Badgers week looks like?

This timetable will alter from term to term but in essence this is how we spend our week in Badgers class

 Welcome to Our Celebration Wall – A Place to Show Our Achievements.