Bubble Christmas Performances

Christmas will soon be upon us. In school we still want the children to have a wonderful, memorable time and have been trying to think creatively as to what we can do within the guidelines and our bubbles. ALL classes will be doing a Christmas Performance. Individual bubbles will go up to church, perform and […]

Pantomime & Party Day

I am very excited to announce that I have managed to secure a virtual pantomime for ALL the children. This will be a personalised performance to St Gregory’s and the children will watch this in their bubbles on Wednesday 16th December. This will also be our party day. Children may come in either Pantomime costume […]

Movie Night

Our amazing Pupil Leadership team are busy behind the scenes planning activities for the year. They would like to run a movie night before the end of term.  This will be on Thursday 17th December – after school. Children will be able to stay, watch a movie, have some popcorn / drink and go home […]

Alice in Zoom Land – Badgers

Join Miss Alice in Zoom Land for fitness & relaxation. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88213072124?pwd=RGhxcnFVb0xBdC9tNlBJR1hKTkdndz09 Meeting ID: 882 1307 2124 Passcode: QA22fA

Alice in Zoom Land – Owls

Join Miss Alice in Zoom Land for fitness & relaxation. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5518229025?pwd=d0x4K0FleXBlQXk4c25FUEtRL3VTZz09 Meeting ID: 551 822 9025 Passcode: 3xEdWS

Alice in Zoom Land – Hedgehogs

Join Miss Alice in Zoom Land for fitness & relaxation. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5518229025?pwd=d0x4K0FleXBlQXk4c25FUEtRL3VTZz09 Meeting ID: 551 822 9025 Passcode: 3xEdWS