Badgers Latest News!

Year 3 & 4 Enquiry is – Where does water come from?

Year 2 Enquiry is – What is home?

Homework set each Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

Please ensure children bring in their individual ready books daily

All children have TT Rockstar logins and are encouraged to practise at home.

Children should read aloud at home 10-15mins every day.

PE is on Thursday morning and swimming will be on Monday and Thursday.

Mrs Reddy

Welcome to Badgers Class!

We are Yr 2 & 3!

Mrs Reddy and Mrs Dike are our teachers

Mrs Bartlett is our teaching assistant

We hope you enjoy our class page, we will try and keep it updated with our latest work so do please check in once in a while to see what we’ve been up to.

Mrs Dike

Weekly Timetable

Curious as to what an average Badgers week looks like?

This timetable will alter from term to term but in essence this is how we spend our week in Badgers class

World Book Day

Badgers had great fun dressing up for World Book Day.  Well done to parents/carers for making it a special part of the school year that will live long in the children’s memories.

Ancient Technology Centre

Much fun was had as Badgers visited the Ancient Technology Centre in Wimborne.  No – this was not a building full of Betamax videos and Walkman’s, this was genuine ancient technology.

We tried our hands at several activities, including:

Grinding and butter making

Warrior training – a firm favourite!

Wood cutting and fire making

Felt making and weaving.


Combining cardio, Pilates, isometric movements and plyometrics with constant simulated drumming – all to some load music.  It’s easy to see why kids enjoy our POUND sessions

Show Me The Money!

We have been discovering money and it’s different values.  Parents beware!

Mathematicians At Work

Year 3 have been out and about our school measuring.  We have measured different equipment on the school grounds with appropriate measurements, in the process discovering the difference between metres, centimetres and millimetres.

Forest School 2.0

We continue our forest school exploits as we look towards Spring and the promise of colour and warmth.

Forest School

Year 2 & 3 have been braving the chilly weather.

Forest school is an important element of education at St Greg’s.  The hands on experiences the children enjoy, the connection with nature, working as a team, all are valuable forms of enrichment.  Oh and of course it’s good FUN!!

How Can We Switch Off

in Curious City year 2 & 3 are engaged in a new enquiry, asking how can we switch off?

We have explored simple series circuits and discovered what are good conductors or insulators

Maths Update

Year 2 pupils have been learning all about shapes, specifically how 2D and 3D shapes have different properties such as their number of vertices the points where two or more line segments or edges meet (like a corner), sides and faces.

Year 3 pupils have been delving into multiplication and division using arrays and pictures.

Young Poets

Badgers enjoyed a busy end of autumn term.  We have learned how to write a non-chronological report, we have also been writing shape poems, looking at their features and adding a Christmas theme to them.  A good example of a shape poems:

Christmas tree Shape Poem | Motivational & Inspirational ...

Why do we live here?

Our new Curious City enquiry has led our year 3 & 4 pupils to ask why do we live here?

Developing research skills as well as learning how to use an atlas has helped us identify what the different lines on a map mean and we have discovered numerous facts about other countries.

We explored why the ancient Egyptians decided to settle near the River Nile and how the population has evolved over time.

Out and about

Why do we live here?  is our current Curious City enquiry.  What better way to help answer this question than to explore Marnhull.

We explored the many types of housing in the village – thatched, old or new, detached or semi-detached.  We explored the different facilities available and identified the different physical and human features around and about and how the area has changed over time.

With the use of an atlas we looked further-a-field to find both densely and less densely populated areas in the UK as well as around the world.

Core is vital

During our studies in English we have been learning how to write non chronological reports about foxes.

In Maths addition and subtraction has been our focus as we hone our skills using ten frames.  Check out this YouTube video for details on ten frame.

Acts of kindness

Year 1 & 2 children are exploring acts of kindness in there latest enquiry.  Thanks to Carole, founder of the wonderful Vale Pantry for joining us and bringing in some splendid basket of knitted fruit and vegetables from her volunteers in Sturminster.  Happily we could give something in return as our food donations are now finding their way to those in need.

Carole spoke to the class about healthy living and the important work the Vale Pantry do for our local community.

What is Sound?

Year 3 & 4 have been exploring sound.  Following our Curious-City curriculum we have been Scientists, Musicians, and Engineers.

Using string telephones we have explored how sound travels. Other discoveries we have made include: how sounds are detected, how they are made, and how they change.

Vocabulary is important in all that we learn, understanding the language whilst we are being Scientists etc….  Words such as pitch, vibration, volume and insulation have featured during this enquiry.

As Engineers we made straw pipettes, discovering how different length pipettes make different sounds.  Sound insulation has also brought about our Engineering skills – which materials are the best insulators of sound?

When one thinks of sound of course music springs to mind.  We have enjoyed exploring numerous instruments, in particular noting their different volumes and pitches.