Our school is one family
Such is the size of our school, staff are very familiar with all of the children, not just those that they teach day to day! This brings a real family feel to the whole school. Each and every child knows each member of staff. Everyone at school helps each child to reach their full potential via our strap line of "Where Learning Has No Limits!"
Our class sizes are not too large
Our teacher/pupil ratio is high, so children receive more one-to-one teaching time and a highly-personalised learning experience.
Working with other age groups
Mixed age classes mean children are encouraged to care for and support each other – a skill which they learn for life. Having different year groups learning and playing together creates a wonderfully positive environment for all.
Our staff
Our team is passionate, experienced and highly committed to providing the very best for our children. Most of our staff have been in post for many years and this brings with it an assured feel to the whole school.
Our Facilities
St Greg’s is situated in a lovely rural setting, we have a large playing field, complete with a football pitch, outdoor classroom, forest school area, pond, quiet garden, wooden pirate ship and trim trail play area to keep the children entertained. Our biggest features have to be the running track running around the outskirts of our field allowing our children to take part in the daily mile each day, and of course our outdoor heated swimming pool. The pool is a huge asset, it enables us to get the youngest children learning to swim and our end of year Gala is always great fun.
Each of our classrooms have a vast array of facilities including electronic whiteboards, reflection areas and book corners. We have a wonderful library that allows some quiet space for our children to read or come and choose a book to share at home. We also have our dedicated nurture space known as the Willow Room. This space has a cosy area for quiet time, a reflection areas and a work space for our nurture group activities as well as a beautifully painted mural on the wall.
Our school is based on Christian principles and values
Our links to the Church are strong, we attend regular services at the church which is situated just next door, as well as visiting once a week for a special values assembly.
Staff and children endeavour to live our lives underpinned by our 3 core Christian values of Faith, Love and Hope, staying happy and respectful to our whole community.
Our SIAMS report
We are proud of our most recent SIAMS report which rates us as Good
“Children have a developing understanding of Christian values which they articulate with growing confidence, beginning to recognise the contribution these make to their lives and achievements”
Our links within the village
Marnhull is a wonderful village, full of warmth towards the school. Our rural location lends itself to outdoor activities – such as Forest School, welly walks and our annual santa walk. We are very proud of our village and we hope we represent all that is great about Dorset.
Parents Testimonials