St Gregory’s Primary School

Being an Athlete

Our Physical Education Curriculum Intent

At St Gregory’s Primary School, we believe that PE, physical activity & school sport is a vital part of school life and ultimately our children’s future well-being. It is therefore our intent to provide an inclusive, broad and balanced PE curriculum that ensures ALL children will benefit, whether through enhancing existing skills, learning new skills or being introduced to new sports, clubs, teams and organisations. It is our intent to ensure children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to equip them with the tools to do so through health and well-being education. Children must understand how to take care of themselves both physically and mentally in order to be successful as adults. Beyond merely a subject, we believe that participating in physical activity and sporting activity is a key element of developing a school in which pupils are proud of the community in which they belong. Therefore, great emphasis is placed upon additional sporting opportunities beyond the lesson within after-school clubs, inter-house and inter-school competition.

Our Physical Education Curriculum Implementation

At St Gregory’s, our PE curriculum is broad and balanced, providing that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. All pupils receive at least two hours of high-quality PE, using the vast outside space or school hall.  All children have a weekly PE lesson with their class teacher and KS2 have weekly sessions with a qualified coach,  during these afternoons the children receive expert coaching to develop fundamental skills through a variety of activities and games.

Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently, with confidence. Children also have the opportunity to further these skills at after school sports clubs, inter house competitions and tournaments with local schools.                                                                                               Although we enjoy the competitive nature of sport, we also appreciate and encourage the importance of children ‘having a go’ and promote positive experiences of being physically active and not always participate to win. We have an inclusive approach and value the importance of physical and mental well-being.

Children take part in a range of invasion, striking & fielding or net & wall games, we promote imagination and creativity in gymnastics and dance as well as provide opportunities for athletics using both indoor and outdoor environments plus outdoor and adventurous activities. Pupils are encouraged to take part in after school clubs and have the opportunity to compete against other schools. In KS2, children go on a residential for outdoor activities. We are extremely lucky to have our own swimming pool which the children use in the summer term, this enables all children to be water confident upon leaving in year 6.

Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in young people and at St Greg’s we provide an array of opportunities to develop this, including Wellbeing Wednesday at Forest School and Yoga.

Playtimes are an important part of our pupils being happy, healthy and ready to learn. We have an equipped and interactive playground, a sports field, forest school area, climbing equipment and an Outdoor Area specifically for the EYFS children. To develop leadership and communication skills, children in Years 5 and 6 children can apply to become a Young Sports Leader which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days.

At St Greg’s we recognise the importance of being physically active throughout the school day so to reduce sedentary learning, the whole school embrace the ‘Daily Mile’ where the children are enthused and enjoy running the track.

By its very nature, PE fundamentally enables our children to develop and apply so many core values to their own understanding and well-being. They are woven through the curriculum and community so to fully prepare our children for later life, values such as resilience, team work, perseverance, independence, motivation, aspiration and respect are key.

Our Physical Education Curriculum Impact

The aim is that our planned PE curriculum will impact greatly on all our children’s ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical and mental health. Wherever possible we align our extended curriculum with the core PE curricular offer to enhance learning and extend opportunities.  The curriculum will develop positive self – awareness in children as they become physically competent. They will also demonstrate a healthy attitude to all forms of physical activity, to competition, showing respect for individuals, teams, officials and coaches.

Teachers and coaches will be expected to complete all the unit assessments through a combination of formative and summative assessment. Termly observations are also completed by the PE Subject Leader. The PE Subject Leader also produces an annual report for Governors and the Headteacher to inform about the impact of the planned and sequenced learning at St Greg’s and the impact of the Sports Premium funding.