St Gregory’s Primary School

Swimming Pool

St Gregory’s Pool Hire
We really hope you enjoy the use of our school pool. To keep our pool in a good condition and to keep our hirer’s safe, please see the rules and conditions below – which all hirers MUST adhere to and sign to say they will do so.

Payment is required at the time of booking and you must have completed the Lifeguard Safety Training and returned your signed contract that contain the rules below:

Rules and Conditions of Hire for all Hirers

There MUST be x2 adults poolside – one must have attended Lifeguard training, the other a competent swimmer

All adults and children should walk around the pool area as running is very dangerous.

Please draw to the attention of users that the shallow water is at the opposite end of the pool to the changing rooms.

Swimming hats MUST be worn in the pool.

Any hirer (individual or group), who causes any damage including to the pool changing rooms, swimming pool liner or equipment, will be liable for payment of all repairs incurred.

All hirers should ensure use of the toilet before entering the pool, in order to maintain high standards of hygiene and pool water quality.

Young children must wear swimming nappy pants which should be taken home with them.

Verrucas should be covered either with a specialist plaster, appropriate treatment or by wearing a verruca sock.

All persons using the pool area are advised that neither the School nor the Local Authority accepts responsibility for the loss of personal property.

Comparative quiet is essential so that the shouts of anyone who might get into difficulty can be heard. Overt disregard through inappropriate silly behaviour or shouting will be interpreted as misconduct – the hirer WILL NOT be able to use the pool again.

All hirers must leave the changing rooms as they find them.

Food and drink not to be consumed in the pool but can be done so poolside – please clear up any rubbish.

Hirers, are reminded that they are allowed to hire the pool by courtesy of St Gregory’s CE Primary School. Their activities must be confined to the pool, changing rooms and outside toilets. All other areas, the playgrounds, school fields, etc. are not to be accessed or used.

All hirers should ensure that the swimming pool door is kept closed during their hire period.

No more than 12 people in the pool at any one time.

All hirers MUST have mobile phone for use in EMERGENCY

Consideration for our neighbours MUST be given. NO loud music or screaming

There is first aid kit poolside and the defibrillator is located in the first (left) toilet cubicle. Use own mobile phone to contact 999 or if it is a pool issue not an injury, please message the School Mobile on 07719 969601.