St Gregory’s Primary School

Our School History

St Gregory’s Primary School celebrated its 150th Anniversary in the summer of 2024 with a week of events to mark the historic event. We were delighted that the Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop Stephen, came to St Gregory’s Church for a special service led by Revd, Gaenor, where he blessed our new banner, and then came back to school to dedicate our new Spiritual Garden. The sun shone and everyone enjoyed a piece of the wonderful cake made by Mrs Bosley for the occasion. 

Where Did It All Begin?
St Gregory’s C of E School has been in existence since 1816!

In terms of the current site for the school, life begins through the generosity of the Marques of Westminster as she gifted the site we know today and the Rector, The Rev Robert Bruce Kennard who paid the whole cost of erecting the school. It was 1874 by the time the works were completed.

The original trust deed set out the schools purpose, an extract of which has been transcribed below.

The first headteacher was Miss McLaughton, she was succeeded by Mr John Pollard in 1879.  By the time of the photo above Miss Elizabeth Johnson (later Mrs John Warren) was in charge. 

As you can see the school has not changed so very much, the windows are different.  Note the doorway into the front of the school that we no longer see now.

Can you imagine being at St Greg’s in 1910?