Our Curriculum Intent
At St Gregory’s Primary School, it is our intent that Science is a hands on learning experience, with a wow factor. We encourage children to confidently plan their own investigations in order to answer questions, which arise through their own wonder. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s inquisitiveness into the world around them. At St Gregory’s we aim to ensure that all children, develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the various aspects of science including: living things and their habitats, light, properties and changes of materials, earth and space and forces. Children consolidate and build up learning that they have previously learned and are provided with the scientific vocabulary to effectively communicate their learning. Children at St Gregory’s are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
Our Curriculum Implementation
In the Foundation Stage and Early Key Stage 1, lessons are planned in accordance with the ‘the world’ strand of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, before moving on to cover the Year 1 National Curriculum objectives, through a topic based curriculum. From Years 2 to 6, all lessons are planned in accordance with the National Curriculum objectives, to ensure continuity and progression throughout the school and are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Links between science and other subjects are highlighted, including ways in which ICT can be applied to the subject. All planning is available Teams. Science lessons generally contain some, or all, of the following elements: Technical vocabulary, Prior knowledge check, Key knowledge to be taught, Discussion, Direct teaching, Practical tasks or investigative work, Recording, Communicating, Reflecting and evaluating.
Where possible, community links, for example with other schools (Knighton House) will be used to help raise the profile of the subject. Outside learning in the forest school, pond area and in the locality are seen as key scientific learning opportunities. Governors will continue to be invited in for British Science Weeks, as resident experts.
Our Curriculum Impact
Science assessment is ongoing to inform teachers with their planning, lesson activities and differentiation. Summative assessment is completed at the end of each unit, Scientific enquiry and knowledge are both considered when entering data on Insight to inform leaders if the children are working at the expected level, below the expected level or above it. Science is monitored throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as lesson observations, pupil interviews and recordings.