Before/After School Club
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St Greg’s wrap around care offering is a vibrant place to be at either end of the day.
As well as a warm welcome, children attending the Breakfast Club are offered a variety of cereals, toast and a drink.
Later, in after school club the children have a snack and drink which could be related to their topic of the term. These topics are decided in consultation with the children and are always fun and exciting.
They have access to the Ipads which they really enjoy using, with added benefit of furthering their learning. During the drier months the children have use of both the large playing field or the outside area adjacent to the club.
Please complete the relevant folder in the reception area to book your child in to either club.
Breakfast: 08:00 – 08:45
Monday to Friday
£3.25 per session from 08:00
£3.00 per session from 08:10
After School: 15:15 – 16: 30
Monday to Thursday
£5 per hour
£4 per hour for sibling(s)