St Gregory’s Primary School

Welcome to Foxes Class

We are years 4, 5, & 6

We will share our achievements and adventures on this page so please do check in from time to time.

Life in school is a busy and non more so than for Year 6, perhaps you are Chair, Vice-Chair or Scribe of the School Council; a Young Worship Ambassador or perhaps a House Captain. The most important  thing is that you’ll have your friends that you’ve had all the way along the journey with you to enjoy it.  

Our Year 4 & 5 pupils benefit hugely from the examples set by our Year 6, it is sure to be a rewarding year for each and everyone of Foxes class. 

Mrs  Chalke

Mrs Chalke

Teacher (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Mrs McCall

Teacher (Monday and Tuesday)

Mrs  Irvine is our teaching assistant

Mrs Irvine is our teaching assistant